TPO Plus 11 – Task 1

Some people like to work independently and enjoy more freedom, while others like to have a supervisor to tell them what to do. Which do you prefer? Why?


Using the example from the lecture, explain the comfort zone bias.

Speaking 1 #82

Nowadays people use extreme methods, like surgery to change their appearance. They do this because they are trying to become more attractive. Do you think this is a good idea?

Speaking 1 #67

Do you agree or disagree that a celebrity should set a good example for young people? Use details and examples to support your explanation.

M.TPO 70 – Task 1

Should a country that has enough food for all of its residents allow recreational hunting? Explain your answer.

M.TPO 75 – Task 1

Should countries with teacher shortages develop programs that recruit people from industries such as business, law, and technology and retrain them as schoolteachers? Explain your answer.

M.TPO 26 – Task 1

Do you agree or disagree that daily homework is necessary for students? Use details and examples to support your explanation.

M.TPO 50 – Task 1

Would you rather be self-employed or working for someone else? Use details and examples to support your explanation.

M.TPO 51 – Task 1

Would you prefer to have a higher-paying job with longer hours or lower-paying job with shorter hours? Use details and examples to support your explanation.