TPO Plus 34 – Task 1

If a university has a $5,000 scholarship to award, which students do you think should receive the scholarship: students with high academic performance or students with financial need?

TPO Plus 32 – Task 1

Some people like to keep old things even if they are broken or have no practical use, do you agree or disagree?

M.TPO 26 – Task 1

Do you agree or disagree that daily homework is necessary for students? Use details and examples to support your explanation.

TPO Plus 35 – Task 1

Do you think it is important for parents to teach their kids to learn how to manage money? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.

M.TPO 38 – Task 1

Do you prefer going to a live performance or watching it on TV? Use details and examples to support your explanation.

Speaking 1 #55

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. A boss or a manager should not form close friendship with their employees. Explain your opinions.

Speaking 1 #61

Do you agree or disagree that young people have nothing to teach older people? Use details and examples to support your explanation.

Speaking 1 #65

Some people prefer to give their opinions immediately. Others prefer to wait and listen to opinions before giving their own. Which one do you think is better?

M.TPO 24 – Task 1

Do you prefer to learn on your own or learn with a teacher? Use details and examples to support your explanation.

M.TPO 12 – Task 1

When going to a restaurant, do you prefer to meet your friends at home or at the restaurant? Use details and examples to support your explanation.